School Groups

Centres available for School Groups:


  • Abernethy Nethy Bridge
  • Abernethy Barcaple


Our schools programme

Our schools programmes are tailor made to the needs of you and your pupils. We will work with you to provide an outdoor learning experience that engages the students in accordance with the Curriculum for Excellence and encompasses confidence, resilience, health and wellbeing, independence, community living and more. All within an environment of fun and adventure!

 “Outdoor learning benefits children, young people and adults alike. It engages our hearts through what we feel and the emotions we experience; our heads through what we think, see and say; and our hands through our physical experiences including how we move through the space the outdoors provides.”

Education Scotland 2020.


The Outdoor Environment can also contribute within the Curriculum for Religious and Moral Education. As a faith community Abernethy is well placed to provide outdoor experiences which encourage the pupils to reflect on the natural environment and their own and others response to it.


Children in rural and urban settings are more often encouraged to develop their sense of awe and wonder through exploring aspects of nature. In the best examples children and young people use their time outdoors to reflect on their own and other people’s beliefs and they are able to reflect on their own response to the natural world.”
A Summary of Outdoor Learning


We are committed to creating learning sessions which help students explore their response, role and responsibility to the natural world.


A significant and integral part our schools programme are our evening Explore sessions. These take the form of a time for reflection (or Religious Observance) within the Curriculum – a community act of celebration, exploring the shared values of Abernethy as a Christian community and helping the pupils express their own understanding of faith and spiritual development.


As with all our schools provision, Explore is compliant with the guidelines set out by Education Scotland.

